Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Lava Spit Sinabung

Daftar Hotel - Thousands of villagers around Gunung Sinabung, District Naman Teran, Karo District evacuate. Section, a volcano located at an altitude of 2451 m asl it suddenly spewed hot lava, thick smoke and dust, Friday (27 / 8) at around 18:00 pm.

Hotel di Surabaya Although not yet at alarming levels, the impact of volcanic activity is making thousands of residents residing in 15 villages at the foot of gung panic, self-rescue measures immediately. Armed with the clothes and some other valuables, from packaged each resident "After breaking the fast, head of the village (village heads) gives instructions so that we immediately leave the village.

According to village heads that appeal is a continuation of the utterance district. Hence we immediately left the village, took a ride with a vehicle other citizens, "said Purnomo br Milala Nande, villagers Berastepu, told reporters of this newspaper, when met at the crowd of refugees, around the Fourth Precinct Police Station Simpang, Karo.

Shot of dust and smoke coming from the mountains above Lake Lau Kawar started feels as dusk approached, where the dust is almost uniformly against all corners underneath. Panic immediately arise, such as volcanic eruptions shadows will often be seen on other mountains across the globe quickly pushed the entire population.

Residents who have a vehicle then moves away from the village as happened in the village of Kuta Gugung, Bekerah, Simacem, Sigarang-Garang, Naman, Gamber, Kuta Tonggal, Kutarayat, Berastepu. Even in some villages the population was left empty that night. The rest of the population residing in the track point the way to Lake Lau Kawar, among Village Sukandebi, Perteguhen, Ndokum Siroga, Jeraya, torong opt out of the home guard - guard anticipate the circumstances.

The panic that occurred was then responded to the government, through the police station and police Karo Simpang Four, the police initially tried to calm the community, but because the greater the fear, the officer finally relented and chose to help evacuate residents to the area Kabanjahe, precisely Karo Regent Hall Office.

Besides menuju tempat yang pemerintah allocated, known to residents who fled towards Kota Berastagi and Kabanjahe ke tujuan residence with their relatives who tersebut berada in two cities, it is seen from the height of the flow out of the car toward the two cities were not as usual. The refugees went to the driving range transport and crude equipment, including a baby who is only covered by a sarong.

Other residents, as shown in Ndokum Siroga Village, Simpang Four area villages trajectory Sinabung Feet stayed outside while on guard duty.
Hot smoke and dust myself even felt until the town of Berastagi, which settled some of the windshield glass has been inhabited by a torrent of dust. The smell of sulfur was felt in the area of Simpang Four, the central location of the first gathering of citizens, where the reporter was taking a party newspaper coverage of this natural phenomenon.

Before leaving for evacuation to a location, along with three police's truck unit, Wakapolres Tanah Karo, who led the Kompol Juniar Simanjuntak said the evacuation process immediately so that masyatakat do not panic with this situation, as all matters relating to this had been anticipated by the government.

Information obtained by this newspaper reporters from Village residents Naman, Suman Tarigan, around 21:00 pm the rain of ash began to subside. But according to his testimony, the effect of dust is not visible to the health condition. "If the skin is not itchy, smell is not bad. Only if the subject's eyes, aches, "he said.

Kadis Kesbang Well Pemkab Karo, Karo-Karo Suang, when contacted about 22:00 pm via cell phone to explain, Karo Pemkab party will immediately follow up on it. Pursuant to the coordination meeting, so if there are no obstacles, tomorrow (today, red) Bandung volcanology party will arrive at Tanah Karo.

At 22:45 pm, with loudspeakers announced Pemkab Karo Sibayak volcanic activity is not harmful. For citizens who want to go home, have provided local government owned transport, police and Batlyon Karo 125. While some residents who use private vehicles had gone home first.

Karo-Karo Suang straight last night to contact the Head of Volcanology center in Bandung, Sukarsono. According Sukarsono, the Agency has been monitoring the activities of Volcanology Sinabung since the epidemic in 1967. "Sinabung volcanoes categorized as class B and no signs of harm," said Sukarsono.

According to him, vomit lava and smoke more because of high rainfall and affect Sinabung crater. "This is a natural event," said Sukarsono.

To ensure that, on this day of Volcanology Agency accompanied the team from North Sumatra Tamben Department will review the mountain directly. "Only we do not know when the hour for sure," lid Suang Karo-Karo

Can suddenly erupt
The panic is also going on at the foot of Mount Sibayak Berastagi. Section, the smell of sulfur wafted up into the region a distance of approximately 40 kilometers. They make sure the smell of sulfur is not from the mountain Sibayak, the article had never been there belereng smell that strong. Some residents suspect that sulfur smell coming from volcanic activity Sinabung.

Contacted via phone, Head of Data and Information Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Region I, North Sumatra, Hendra Suwarta, last night asked residents Karo lands especially those living near Sinabung not to panic. According to estimates BMKG, Sinabung mountain will not erupt, and even still very far from the eruption. Predictions based on the signs at the scene and observed what they did. "Not true, not going to erupt," he said.

According to him, just a puff of smoke that soar from the mountain. Activity was not normal, because all this does not happen anything like that. But these activities have not reached a dangerous level. Smoke, he continued, comes from magma activity in the belly of the mountain. "Until now, the information obtained is still limited to smoke," he said.

So far, he added, there is no volcanic activity on the mountain other than smoke. He makes sure the smoke was still in the safety category, because it is not accompanied by earthquakes or volcanic vibrations. One of the signs of volcanic eruptions are volcanic earthquakes that occurred before or simultaneously with the smoke or magmatic activity.

"But it was smoke, not accompanied by a vibration or a volcanic earthquake. And yet certain to erupt. Because usually, when a volcano will erupt, first characterized by vibration or earthquake. But in fact, until recently, remained still as usual. Yes, that was, was still limited to just smoke it, "he said.

Nevertheless, he continued, symptoms like that still must be considered and be aware with the communities around the mountain. This was done so that communities around the mountain remain vigilant and be ready if the worst happens occasionally. "Although the eruption is predicted not to happen, but do not be careless. This means, stay alert. Because volcanic earthquake can happen suddenly accompanied by the eruption of vibration that can still happen suddenly, "he explained.

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