Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Founder up Movie

Daftar Hotel - A comic book based on the story of founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg is being designed into a short animated film that will be tailored to the television.

Hotel di Bandung - Hayden 5 Media and Bluewater Productions intend to change the comic book "Mark Zuckerberg: Creator of Facebook" into a movie in the style of science fiction works of 2006, "A Scanner Darkly."

President Hayden, Todd Wiseman says, "When we found out that Bluewater has released this comic, we knew we had to get the script."

"We see great opportunity to re-tell the story of Mark Zuckerberg posted 'Social Network' are brighter, the form of animation that can be enjoyed and understood by a wider audience."

This film will combine real characters and settings with the aesthetics of animated comic book.

This comic book written by Jerome Maida and illustrated by Fritz Saalfeld, will be circulated at the store in late December with a price of 6.99 dollars per copy.

Bluewater lot publishes a variety of comics, from superheroes, fairytale children, to biographies of famous people, including U.S. President Barack Obama and a young pop star Justin Bieber.

"This will not retell the story of the last Mark Zuckerberg," Milos said Silber, executive Hayden production.

"We are only aware of the profound effect of the up, and with more than 500 million users, we definitely have an audience," he added.

Previously, a movie about Facebook also has made the film entitled "The Social Network", which released about the origins of Facebook, directed by David Fincher and starring Jesse Eisenberg as Zuckerberg and Justin Timberlake as the founder of Napster, Sean Parker, mentor Zuckerberg.

The film is based on the book "The Accidental Billionaires" by Ben Mezrich and that takes the story on the creation of up grim.